If you want to remove heading styles from the entire document, use Ctrl+A to select all content in the document. Highlight the heading or headings you want to remove the styles from.And applying this style means you are switching from one of the headings to a body text, removing all the heading properties from the text. It is designed to have the same formatting as the body text.
There’s also a style called Normal style. First Option: Apply Normal Paragraph styleĪll the heading styles, Heading 1 through Heading 9, have their own formatting, which you can modify anyway. Without further ado, below are the various ways you can Heading styles also helps if you want to insert an automatic table of Content into your document.ĭespite all these awesome things heading styles can do, you may want to remove it in your Word document for some reason. In the Headers and Footers section, make sure the check box labeled Different Odd and Even is selected. The Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
Things like collapse and expand content under each heading. To define separate odd and even headers or footers, do the following: Choose Page Setup from the File menu. These styles are very handy as it allows you to applyĬhanges to all your headings at once. Microsoft Word comes with a library of heading styles you can use in your document.
After deleting the header content, the header itself will disappear from all your pages. Then select all the content in the header and hit the delete key. Option 2: Clear all the header content to remove the header in WordĪnother way to delete header in Word is to double-click on the header area to make it editable. Now, if you preview your document by choosing Print Preview from the File menu, you can see there are headers or footers in each section except the one where you deleted them.This is how you may exit headers in Microsoft Word.
If you want to suppress the header or footer in a particular section of your document, follow these steps: By default, headers and footers for any new sections are the same as the section just before it. Thus, if you have eight sections in your document, each section can have its own header and footer. Word allows you to create headers and footers for each section of your document. While WordPerfect makes this very easy, the method used in Word is much more flexible. Many people who come to Word from a WordPerfect environment are curious as to how you can suppress headers and footers in your document.